Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jalin togetherness, the Joint Board of Police Sports Journalists

KEDIRI - Daily Nation Police To establish intimacy between Kediri Kediri with journalists, who are members of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) and the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Kediri held a joint exercise in Mapolres Kediri, Saturday (23/3).

There are some sports were held. Among futsal, volleyball, tennis, badminton and table tennis.

Kediri Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Dariadi Dheny said, in addition to establish intimacy with the reporters, this joint exercise is also to support the program 'Kediri In Embrace'. "For there is synergy between the journalists and the police, so we invite them exercise together," he said, Saturday (23/3).

Earlier, also in Kediri In the Embrace program, Kediri Police also held a joint military exercise and also Bhayangkari.

Meanwhile, Chairman of PWI Kediri Subawi Imam said, enough sports activities helps to establish familiarity with. "If every day sellau partners. Refreshing time with this joint exercise," he said. (*)

Water Regulatory Period Gegerkan Kediri kingdom

KEDIRI - Communities around the source Dadapan, Tinalan Village, School District, City of Kediri, East Java digegerkan with kemuculan an archaeological site. Findings of a large brick fragments estimated Kediri Kingdom era.

Patience (65) inventor claimed the site has seen some red bricks are large since 1992. However, he had told his findings that, when the village normalized source. "I've seen the big red brick pile it at the source. In addition, at various points around the source. But I did not dare to unpack. Just yesterday, when there is a process of cleaning the source, I was told there was a large brick. Then the bricks were lifted to the top, "said Patience, Saturday (03/23/2013)

Patience sure, in the springs, there are still many large bricks. He even admitted, never found a statue there. However, because the act of a person ignorant, sculpture relic has now disappeared.

Meanwhile, the City Government (Government) Kediri has brought experts from BP3 Trowulan team to investigate the alleged existence of relic sites kingdom.

Nugroho, as BP3 Trowulan researchers say, will map the existence of material large brick building to find out more clearly in the area of ​​the source. From perkiraanya, existing buildings is a regulator of water channels in the days of empire.

Separately, Head of Culture Kediri Muhyar Nur said the arrival of the team at the request of the City Government BP3 Trowulan Kediri, after receiving reports from residents. If a team intends to conduct eksekavasi or excavation site, the local government will support in the form of funding. "Now this was no normalization Sources Dadapan. However, if there will be pelitian of BP3 Trowulan purposes, we can pause. Then the excavation plan, of course, we will help the team, "said Nur Muhyar. (*)

Mayor's aide examination agendakan

KEDIRI - Investigators Police Corruption unit Kediri City, East Java continue to complete the investigation of alleged corruption UB Bridge mega project. After examining the members and chairman of the board and city government officials including Mayor dr Kediri Sp.PD Samsul Ashar, this time investigating the mayor aide scheduled examination. The letter calls for the examination of the mayor's aide will be delivered and scheduled examinations will begin to take place in the span of 2-3 to come.

Kediri City Police, Chief Ratno Kuncoro said the mayor's aide examination done about the flow of funds from PT Surya Graha Universe (SGS) to a number of officials. One of the suspects in the case, said the police chief, calls never leave a sum of money allegedly part of the flow of funds to the aide of the mayor. It was announced by the suspect Dawn Full Wijaya, Mayor Samsul Ashar relatives who had raided because the account into a transfer of funds from PT SGS. "The letter was immediately sent. Examination of the mayor's aides related information from Dawn on fund flows. According to the Dawn that he delivered some of the flow of funds through the aide. For the amount I have not been able to deliver, but investigators said a summons had been launched, "said the police chief, on Saturday (23/3).

Related further examinations Samsul Ashar Mayor, police chief says it will be done right after the mayor health conditions - have recovered completely. According to the police chief, he had visited the mayor who had returned from medical treatment in hospital. But until now, said the police chief, the mayor still looks weak condition. Therefore, the police chief asked the mayor to concentrate recuperate first. On the other hand, investigators will continue to communicate with staff and aides to monitor health developments mayor. (*)

Arkeolog BP3 Mulai Teliti Situs di Pemandian Air

KEDIRI - Tim arkeolog dari balai pelestarian peninggalan purbakala (BP3) Trowulan Mojokerto terus melakukan penelitian di sumber Dadapan Kelurahan Tinalan Kecamatan Pesantren Kota Kediri, Sabtu (23/3). Tindakan ekskavasi (penggalian) ini menyusul ditemukannya beberapa buah material batu bata berukuran raksasa peninggalan zaman kerajaan Kediri.

Menurut Nugroho, arkeolog dari BP3 Trowulan pihaknya telah memetakan keberadaan material batu bata raksasa, untuk mengetahui lebih jelas bangunan yang ada diareal sumber Dadapan tersebut. “Kami akan lakukan ekskavasi lanjutan, untuk mengetahui detail gambaran situs ini,” ujarnya, Sabtu (23/3).

Dari perkiraan sementara, bangunan yang ada diareal sumber merupakan tempat pengatur air pada jaman kerajaan. “Jika dilihat dari struktur bangunan didekat sumber air, ada kemungkinan bangunan ini merupakan saluran irigasi pada masa lalu,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu Menurut Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Kediri Nur Muhyar masih menunggu hasil dari penelitian. Bila benar itu merupakan situs, tidak menutup kemungkinan, kawasan itu bisa dikembangkan menjadi tempat wisata budaya. “Ya kalau memang benar itu merupakan situs, maka akan kita alokasikan anggarannya,” ujarnya.

Untuk diketahui. sesuai kesaksian warga setempat, munculnya situs purbakala di sumber Dadapan setelah warga bersama Pemerintah Kota Kediri berniat menormalisasi aliran air sumber. Saat dilakukan penggalian disekitar sumber mata air, ditemukan material batu bata berukuran raksasa. Dengan temuan itu, kegiatan normalisasi sumber terpaksa dihentikan/ sampai menunggu hasil penelitian tim ahli dari BP3 Trowulan. (rif)

Pesta Sabu, Digrebeg Polisi

KEDIRI - Petugas Satuan Reskoba Polres Kediri, Jawa Timur menggrebeg pesta Sabu-sabu di sebuah showroom di Desa Dadapan Kecamatan Ngasem Kabupaten Kediri, Jumat (22/3).

Mereka Rohmansyah (28) warga Desa Sukorejo Kecamatan Gurah, Kukuh Wikarno (43) warga Desa Brenggolo Kecamatan Plosoklaten dan Bambang Suhartono (48) warga Dusun Pilangbangu Desa Tarokan Kabupaten Kediri.

Penggrebegan ketiga tersangka ini berdasarkan informasi dari masyarakat jika disebuh showroom tersebut sering digunakan pesta narkoba. Kemudian dilakukan penyidikan dan berhasil mnggrebeg ketiganya saat pesta narkoba.

Kasat reskoba polres kediri AKP Siswanto mengatakan, ketiga pelaku saat ini masih menjalani pemeriksaan di mapolres kediri guna penyidikan lebih lanjut. “Ketiganya masih dilakukan penyidikan guna pengembangan lebih lanjut. Mereka juga sudah di tes urin, hasilnya positif,” ungkapnya, Sabtu (23/3).

Masih kata Siswanto, dari tangan ketiga pelaku, polisi menyita barang bukti sabu seberat 0,1 gram dan seperangkat alat hisap. Akibat perbuatannya, ketiga pelaku akan dijerat pasal pasal 112 undang-undang tentang narkotika, dengan ancaman hukuman maksimal 12 tahun. (*)